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Prerequisites and Dependencies

Before starting the setup, ensure you have the following prerequisites and dependencies installed on your system.


  • Node.js: Ensure you have Node.js v20.5.1 installed. You can download it from
  • npm (Node Package Manager): npm is installed with Node.js.
  • Git: Git is essential for version control. You can download it from


  • TWIN Dependencies: TWIN has its own dependencies listed in the package.json file. Install these dependencies in the project directory.

Setting Up the Development Environment

You can set up your development environment in two ways: locally or using Docker.

Local Development Setup

  1. Clone the Repository: Clone the repository and navigate to the project directory.
  2. Install Dependencies: Install the project dependencies.
  3. Environment Configuration: Create a .env.serve file in the root directory of your project and copy environment variables from .env.local.
  4. Run the Application:
    • Backend: Start the backend application.
    • Frontend: Start the frontend application.

Using Docker for Development

Using Docker simplifies the setup by creating a containerized environment for your application.

  1. Install Docker: Download and install Docker from
  2. Run Docker Image: Start the application using Docker.

Setting Up the Database Environment

TWIN gives you the freedom to choose a database that suits your needs.

DynamoDB (Localstack)

  1. Pull the LocalStack Docker Image.
  2. Run LocalStack: Start LocalStack in a Docker container.
  3. Environment Variables: In the .env.serve, set the entity storage to DynamoDB.

MySQL (Workbench)

  1. Download and Install MySQL Workbench.
  2. Open MySQL Workbench: Create a new connection.
  3. Setup New Connection: Enter the connection details.
  4. Test the Connection: Ensure the connection is successful.
  5. Save the Connection.
  6. Set Environment Variables: Configure MySQL settings in the .env.serve.

MySQL (Docker)

  1. Pull the MySQL Docker Image.
  2. Start a MySQL Server Instance.
  3. Set Environment Variables: Configure MySQL settings in the .env.serve.


If you are using Windows, the nx package may fail to compile if your project path contains spaces. Therefore, avoid saving the project in a folder name with spaces. For example, a bad folder name would be twin project, while a good folder name would be twinproject or twin-project.