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IOTA Blockchain

Introduction to IOTA Blockchain

What is the IOTA Network?

The IOTA Network is built on the core technology called the Tangle, which offers distributed ledger capabilities with two main functionalities:

  • Decentralized Payments: Using IOTA tokens, transactions can occur without the need for a centralized clearinghouse or associated fees. These transactions are referred to as value transactions. Note that TLIP does not currently use these for its operations.

  • Data Sharing: This functionality ensures traceability, integrity, and immutability of shared information. It supports dedicated access management, such as controlling who can read what data. This is achieved through second-layer IOTA protocols, like Masked Authenticated Messaging (MAM) channels. TLIP heavily utilizes this for its data transactions.

    IOTA Network is where the information used and generated by the TLIP platform is securely stored and managed.

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Note: This is an enclosed IOTA Network Architecture Interaction with the IOTA network is possible by using the IOTA protocol. The IOTA protocol operates in a client-server fashion. Clients are developed to implement the application logic and connect to servers, the so called IOTA IRI nodes. IOTA IRI nodes allow access and leverage the protocol functionalities, namely sending transactions and sharing immutable data on the IOTA Tangle. The collection of IOTA IRI nodes receiving and processing IOTA payments or data transactions constitutes the IOTA network.

The TLIP platform acts as a client connecting to the IOTA network.

What are the available types of IOTA Networks?

There are different ways of deploying an IOTA Network. These can be grouped in the following categories.

TypeNode ProviderDescription
  • The IOTA Mainnet is a permissionless network: Anyone can contribute computing power by running a node.
  • Over 1,000 nodes currently participate, creating a decentralized network for high security.
  • Users connect to the network via a client application and a chosen node's IP address to interact with the provided APIs.
  • The Mainnet is where users issue and spend IOTA tokens.
  • Transactions are validated through replication across all nodes and then stored on each individual node.
  • Despite being permissionless, data privacy can be protected with encryption or secure MAM channels.
  • The IOTA Mainnet is global, and the geographic location of stored data cannot be controlled.

The IOTA Mainnet use is requested in case the TLIP platform should require the processing of value transactions making use of IOTA Tokens.

DevnetIOTA Foundation
  • Devnet is a permissioned IOTA network. The IOTA Foundation provides and controls a limited number of nodes.
  • Unlike the Mainnet, the location of these nodes can be controlled.
  • Access to the Devnet is faster due to lower Proof of Work requirements.
  • Transactions on the Devnet are isolated and cannot be imported into the Mainnet.
  • Security and confidentiality are maintained at the same level as the Mainnet.
  • The Devnet is ideal for development purposes, allowing multiple parties to use it simultaneously.
  • Data privacy is ensured through MAM channels.

The TLIP platform is currently being developed using the IOTA Devnet.

Private TangleA pre-formed consortium
  • Private Tangle is a disconnected IOTA network, separate from others (Mainnet/Devnet).
  • Requires agreement between organizations to participate. These organizations set up and maintain the nodes.
  • Transactions require permission from node operators, and users might need to find the nodes first (since they might not be public).
  • Only authorized parties can access the Private Tangle.
  • Transactions are replicated on nodes with known and controllable geographic locations.